Hi all…
Lets say that I have created a VERY important file… Its a file called example txt and it’s placed in my home (~) folder…
touch ~/example.txt
I want to copy this file to my remotemachine.net to mylogin’s home folder… but I don’t want anyone to be able to sniff the files content… Remote machine has SSH server running. Scp is perfect for this task. Its using ssh and its encryption so if You have setup the private and public key You can send the files securely without giving a password…
How to use it?
scp /path/to/secret/file.ext who@host:/where/to/save/
scp ~/example.txt mylogin@remotemachine.net:~
example.txt 100% 0 0.0KB/s 00:00
Check procedure:
Log into the remote machine:
ssh -l mylogin remotemachine.net
List the file:
ls ~/example.txt
Hope this helps somebody someday.