Testing Mozilla Firefox Nightly 20 safely on PCLinuxOS 2012.x

Hi all.

I wanted to test the latest browser from Mozilla. I am a huge fan of Firefox and it always was my main browser. PCLinuxOS comes with the latest stable version. Its a good thing. I love stability of my distribution. However I want to try the newest Mozilla product before it becomes a default browser for PCLinuxOS. Also I want to help Mozilla Developers by filing a bug reports and make their products even better this way.

Here are few simple steps You can do if You want to test it too.

Firefox is a default PCLinuxOS browser so its installed by default. If You removed it – reinstall it via synaptic.

Older version must be installed for few minor yet important reasons.

Close Firefox browser completely. Now open console and run these commands:


Go to Your /home/ folder

cp -R ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.backup.20

Let’s backup Your profile first.

wget -c http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-trunk/firefox-20.0a1.en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2

Download the compressed Nightly XX file.

tar -xvjf ./firefox-20.0a1.en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2

Extract it.

rm -f ./firefox-20.0a1.en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2

Remove it.

cd ~/firefox/searchplugins/ && wget -c http://andrzejl.cyryl.net/WoTW/WoTW_files/FFxSearchPCLOSForum/pclinuxos-forum.xml

Add the search engine for PCLinuxOS Forum.


Gain root privileges…

root password

…by giving correct root password.

rm -f /usr/bin/firefox

Remove old symlink.

rm -f /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox

Remove old symlink.

ln -s /home/yourlogin/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox

Create new symlink. Replace yourlogin with Your actual login.

ln -s /home/yourlogin/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox

Create new symlink. Replace yourlogin with Your actual login.



Go back to user mode and close the console.

Now You can use the old shortcuts (from the desktop, panel or KMenu) to open new Firefox. All the programs should open links in new version of Firefox too.

Enjoy the latest and the greatest from Mozilla. I am. If You are using Nightly You should know that it can also be safely upgraded to the latest version by using Help > About Nightly from the Firefox menu bar.

Firefox 20 Nightly on PCLinuxOS 2011.x

Going back to the repo version of Firefox.

Close Firefox completely. Reinstall Firefox using synaptic.




"Never meet Your heroes. Most of the time you'll only end up disappointed." White Polak Male Husband Employee Hetero Carnivorous Fugly Geek @$$hole with ADD Catholic “Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

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