DKMS systemd startup service has been removed, modules building is now handled by alpm hooks at install time. Startup modules loading must be done via modules-load.d.
su mcedit /usr/share/libalpm/hooks/rebuild.hook Paste this in using [shift] + [insert] keys: [Trigger] Operation = Upgrade Type = Package Target = * [Action] Description = Upgrade…
Racuchy… What is it? Ask Wikipedia ;)… Please look at the images below for reference. Ingredients: 1 litre of milk 1 kg of flour 1…
[SOLVED] Enable word wrap (and soft word wrap) in nano text editor…
Hi all. I have noticed this ages ago and it annoyed the BeeGeeses out of me. When You enter a long line of text in…
[SOLVED] Since 1.6.0-2 the conf.d file is no longer in use. We have enabled systemd support and providing upstream systemd units. You will need to use the systemd way (overriding in /etc/systemd/system/dnscrypt-proxy.{service,socket}.d) to apply your customization.
Edit 01: I’ve filed a bug report… FS#45970 - dnscrypt-proxy 1.6.0-2 sometimes it starts sometimes it fails + weird boot messages… Edit 02: Its a…
Adding ‘Play content of this folder as DVD video in SMPlayer.’ entry to the right click menu in Thunar.
Hi folks. I assume You have a fully upgraded system. Run this: su Now give it root’s password. Now run this: pacman -S smplayer libdvdcss…
[SOLVED] I have upgraded systemd from xxx to xxy but during boot it shows version xxx…
Yup – it happens. Solution is simple. su mkinitcpio -p linux reboot If you are using linux-lts or linux-pae adjust the command accordingly. Cheers. Andrzej
[SOLVED] Convert video with ffmpeg so that its playable in OwnCloud and Piwigo (with VideoJS enabled).
This is the commmand I am using: ffmpeg -i ./input.avi -threads 2 -c:v libx264 -preset slow -profile:v high -c:a aac -strict -2 -vf scale=-1:720 ./new_video.mp4…
[SOLVED] Converting any video to the Nokia N73 playable container. Setting up / fixing WinFF presets.
Hi there. In the past when I wanted to convert video so that it plays in my Nokia N73 I would use WinFF. The command…
[SOLVED] Finding network hosts / devices from Microsoft Windows CMD line.
Hi there. So You are trying to find all the “active” devices / hosts in Your lan and the only thing You have accessible is…