Hi all.
PCLinuxOS 2011 was released recently. It came out beautifully themed. It looks like it’s made out of a brushed metal. Fantastic job – I love it. One of our forum members – Linuzoid decided that PCLinuxOS would look even better with a beautiful apps themed to match the OS.
First He came up with “Set of Brushed Metal Splash Screens”, soon after that “Brush Metal LibreOffice Splash Screen” thread appeared on the forum. Today I was pleasantly surprised again when I saw “Brushed metal theme for K3b” topic with a dedication… for me…
Of course I have all of those beauties installed. They are blending in perfectly with the Brushed Metal theme. Thanks to Linuzoid PCLinuxOS 2011 looks even more “unified”. I bet that soon LibreOffice splash and K3b theme will be added as a defaults for the packages available from the PCLinuxOS repositories.
Thank You Linuzoid!