Update Your LastPass to version 2.0!

Hi folks!

LastPass has just released LastPass 2.0… With new and exciting features! As they stated on their blog:

We’re super excited to announce the release of LastPass 2.0! We’re expanding the core functionality of our password manager while adding significant improvements, both on the front-end and behind-the-scenes.

LastPass 2.0 features:

– Attachment support for documents and images,
– Free credit monitoring alerts for users in the United States,

Want to read the entire blog post? Click here.

I really _do_ recommend LastPass addon for storing, managing and generating Your passwords:

For those that want to find out more about LastPass:

Our Latest Video Introduces LastPass Basics
Just getting started with LastPass? Want to recommend our product to family, friends, or colleagues? Our new introductory video gives you an overview of our essential features, including:

Logging in to your account,
Saving and autofilling a site,
Managing your sites in your Vault,
Generating a new password with LastPass,
Creating a form fill profile for online shopping,
Syncing to new computers, and
Upgrading to Premium for mobile access.

Getting Started with LastPass. [YouTube VIDEO]

I use it in my Firefox Nightly browser. Has yet to disappoint me… So far it’s been a pure pleasure.

I recommended it to many people and one of my Friends recently told me that I was right… Once You get used to LastPass it’s just irreplaceable… He hated it at first. I remember it pretty well as I was getting the “hate updates” via IM :D.

Some people in the past reacted in a weird way when I told them about LastPass… Their comments were usually orbiting around something like “Why on earth would I give my passwords to a third party…?”. The answer is – You are not giving them to anyone. The passwords ARE being stored on a LastPass servers – yes BUT they are not being sent / stored in a plain text. This would be stupid / reckless / dangerous and trust me paranoid person like myself would never ever do stupid thing like that and neither would I recommend doing so to any of You. The passwords are encrypted using state of the art crypto with the key that only You have access to and they are being sent to the LastPass server as a blob of meaningless data that no one can decrypt but You. For more technical info I invite You to watch, read or listen to Steve and Leo in episode 256 of the Security Now! podcast where Steve explains in details security features behind the LastPass project. I am sure You will be satisfied with the amount of info and technical details provided.

LastPass… _Very_ security aware, very safe, very user friendly, very very very handy.

I hope You will at least try it.




"Never meet Your heroes. Most of the time you'll only end up disappointed." White Polak Male Husband Employee Hetero Carnivorous Fugly Geek @$$hole with ADD Catholic “Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

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