NO. Thunderbird project is NOT dead / inactive / abandoned…


I have heard something today that made my heart stop for a moment… “Thunderbird is no longer developed…”

That’s not true… I went to the #thunderbird channel on the server and asked… As a reply I got a very interesting link.

Thunderbird’s future from the inside.

So I asked just to clarify:

14:37 pfeeeeew… so basically Thunderbird wont be adding new things unless they are really needed and will just be “developped” in the meaning of security patches and bug fixes rather then adding new shiny stuff?

14:37 AndrzejL: something like that

So… No guys – Thunderbird is not going to die anytime soon. It’s gonna be developed in a slightly different way.

Thanks for reading.


Edit 01: Another good link: About the future of Thunderbird.
Edit 02: And another one: No, that’s not “it” for Thunderbird…


"Never meet Your heroes. Most of the time you'll only end up disappointed." White Polak Male Husband Employee Hetero Carnivorous Fugly Geek @$$hole with ADD Catholic “Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

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