Goodbye NetQin AntiVirus.

Hi all.

As every security aware smartphone user I have decided to install antivirus software for my Nokia N73.

I did some research and I have found AllAboutSymbian forum where I found link to the NetQin antivirus. As You can see – it’s listed as free and it was free till last night.

Everything worked fine for a 6 months or so.

– AntiVirus
– FireWall
– Boot time tools

Never caused any problems to be honest.

When I have decided to upgrade last night – I was presented with this:

Obviously - not free anymore...

I removed it and I have re-installed it to make sure it’s not some silly application error.

Fresh installation #001

Fresh installation #002

Fresh installation #003

Same thing happened.

Fresh installation #004

There were no warnings in the past as far as I can remember. There was no other way of notifying me that the application will require any fees… When I declined payment I got left with Firewall down and out of date AntiVirus database.

Fresh installation #005

Fresh installation #006

All I can say is “Goodbye NetQin!”. Good luck with Your extorsions somewhere else.

As soon as I will find better / free AntiVirus I will post about it.



Edit: I am considering Kaspersky Mobile as a replacement. More details later.


"Never meet Your heroes. Most of the time you'll only end up disappointed." White Polak Male Husband Employee Hetero Carnivorous Fugly Geek @$$hole with ADD Catholic “Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

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