Backup Your folders… Re-doing Your settings can be a long and tidious process…
I have heard a good joke today… – Hey Daddy… What does “Formatting HDD successfully completed” means?… – It means You’re freakin DEAD It does…
I have heard a good joke today… – Hey Daddy… What does “Formatting HDD successfully completed” means?… – It means You’re freakin DEAD It does…
Hi. This is something I do when all my permissions are greyed out in KDE. A) Open Dolphin file manager. B) Right click on the…
Fmppffmmmpppfmmpmfmmmfmpmppfmm ppfpffmpmmffpppmmmpffffm fmpmppfpffmp mffpppfmpppf fppmfpmmmfmp Pmpmppppppppffm mpfpffppfppm Fmmppffmffmpmfp Pfmmmmpffpmp fppppffmfpmfmpm fmmmmmffm mmmpppmpm mmpmmmmmfpmp mmmmfmmmmmffppp. Mff mpmmffmpm fmmppfppmmppfmpmfpmffpppmfm mmfppfppmpfmpmfmppfmpmpppmfffm ppmmmmmpm Mff mfpmmmfpmmpp fmmfmpmmmpfffmpmppmpm mmm Pmpmppppppppffm mpmmmmffm…
No. Really. Some folks on the forum got mental ;). Of course I joined the madness ;)! Roman Name Generator… Smurf Name Generator… Join…
This is one of the “Tips and Tricks” written by pstranger. I found it very interesting and decided to re-post it here. Original post can…
Hi all. Sometimes I am upgrading my system and rebooting without looking at what it does in the background. I am just using a command:…
Hi all. No its not a joke. In the past Rolf Steinort from Meet The Gimp was trying out PCLinuxOS in few of his episodes…
Hi all. When I was setting up my server while back I have noticed 100’s of entries in my: /var/log/auth.log about failed log in attempts…
Hi all. I was messing around on my server sometime ago and I have nmap-ed myself and noticed port XXX opened. I knew I have…
Hi all. I was using Shields Up – Internet Vulnerability Profiling tool to verify are all of my ports in stealth mode and I…