Recipe for 20 large crepes pancakes.
You’re going to need:
1) 500g (0.5kg) of a plain flour.
2) Pinch of salt.
3) 8 eggs.
4) 500ml (0.5l) of milk.
5) 500ml (0.5l) of sparkling water.
6) More less 50g of butter.
7) Oil.
Candid group shot…
You will also need a mixer… and a woman that will do all the work for You… /Me runs for the hills…
A) So… Grab a bowl and add the flour and the pinch of salt.
B) Measure 500ml of milk in a measuring jug.
C) Add milk to the bowl.
D) Add sparkling water to the bowl.
E) Break the eggs.
F) I like to break each egg into a cup and check for the egg shells before I will add the egg to the bowl.
G) Add eggs to the bowl.
H) Melt the butter.
I) Add butter to the bowl.
J) Start mixing.
K) Some of the mixers are badly designed and they are not reaching to the bottom of the bowl. Make sure that You have checked bottom of the bowl for flour snot.
L) And keep mixing if necessary.
M) Mix until the entire batter has a even and smooth texture.
N) Pour a tiny itsy bitsy dot of oil on the pan.
O) Take a paper kitchen towel and wipe it off while spreading the bit of oil evenly on the pan. DON’T throw the paper away. You will need it.
P) Move part of the batter from the bowl into a measuring jug. Its easier to pour the batter onto a frying pan this way.
Q) Start pouring (very thin) layer of batter onto a hot frying pan.
R) Move the pan around to spread the batter evenly.
S) After a (very short) while start prying one side of the pancake with a spatula.
T) If everything went as planed You should be able to pick the pancake up and flip it to the other side.
U) Take the ready pancake off and pour next batch of batter on the pan.
V) Result? Very thin and equally very awesome crepes pancake AndrzejL style… +10 to the charisma in the kitchen +5 to self-respect.
W) Every once in a while re-grease the pan with a oil / kitchen paper towel.
X) Keep going…
Y) Pheeeew… The last one…
Final result? 19 1/2 awesome super thin crepes pancakes…
You can roll them with jam / chocolate / white cheese / tomato and basil sauce inside or use them as a next step of making croquets… I like to use them instead of tortillas to make chicken wraps. Makes no difference.
P.S. Not a single woman was hurt (much) during making of this howto.