Goodbye NetQin AntiVirus.

Hi all.

As every security aware smartphone user I have decided to install antivirus software for my Nokia N73.

I did some research and I have found AllAboutSymbian forum where I found link to the NetQin antivirus. As You can see – it’s listed as free and it was free till last night.

Everything worked fine for a 6 months or so.

– AntiVirus
– FireWall
– Boot time tools

Never caused any problems to be honest.

When I have decided to upgrade last night – I was presented with this:

Obviously - not free anymore...

I removed it and I have re-installed it to make sure it’s not some silly application error.

Fresh installation #001

Fresh installation #002

Fresh installation #003

Same thing happened.

Fresh installation #004

There were no warnings in the past as far as I can remember. There was no other way of notifying me that the application will require any fees… When I declined payment I got left with Firewall down and out of date AntiVirus database.

Fresh installation #005

Fresh installation #006

All I can say is “Goodbye NetQin!”. Good luck with Your extorsions somewhere else.

As soon as I will find better / free AntiVirus I will post about it.



Edit: I am considering Kaspersky Mobile as a replacement. More details later.

Imageshack became to slow / problematic. I will try moving away from it.

Hi all.

I have been using Imageshack for over 2 years now. I have stored over a 1000 images with them. I was using them because they were good. Really good.

Recently however I have noticed few major problems with them:

A) Lastpass incompatibility.
B) Several PCLinuxOS forum users have reported “frogs” instead of a picture.
C) You can no longer store .gif images when using free or even registered account. Only premium users can do so.
D) Loading speed of the image is getting worse every single day.
E) Imageshack Firefox addon is incompatible with Firefox 4… Plus it’s designed for Windows and Mac only.
F) You do not get access to the direct link of the image unless You register…
G) Deleting image takes an hour (it’s being queued for deletion…)
H) Account access is next to impossible when their servers are congested which lately means all the time.
I) I will add more of them once I can recall them ;).

Those are the main reasons why from now on I will no longer use Imageshack services to store my images. I have a beautiful domain AndrzejL.Cyryl.Net that I got from my buddy Cyryl. Blog images have been moved there already. However I can’t delete my IS account just like that. There is over 950 images on the imageshack used somewhere on the PCLinuxOS Forum and other places allover the internet. I will have to delete some of the useless images first. Then save the images that I want to keep to the hdd and then send them to the AndrzejL.Cyryl.Net. After that – I will have to redo all my posts and change links to the images… That’s the plan. Will I actually do it? Time will tell. One thing is for sure. From now on – none of my images goes to Imageshack.

Thanks Imageshack. Farewell old Friend. We had a good run You and I.



Steve Gibson… For the love of all that is holy, why don't you use Linux?

Hi all.

I was listening to the SecurityNow Episode #298 with Leo Laporte and Steve Gibson – founder of the who is for some of us a security guru. I like this fella. I like listening to the podcast. I find this show to be entertaining and informative in the same time.

In every second episode there is a Q&A session in which Steve replies to a questions from the listeners. In this podcast one of the questions got my attention and I have decided to share it here with You.

LEO: Oh, it’s getting better. Fortunately, this one’s Anonymous in San Diego wondering why are you still using Windows? Hi, Steve. Love the show. I’ve been listening for a little over a year now. During that time, until now, I’ve been able to bite my tongue. But I can’t hold back any longer. For the love of all that is holy, why don’t you use Linux? I think I asked Steve this in day one. In your last Q&A show you mentioned how you would love to use BSD, and I suppose that by using Mac OS you are using BSD. But why are you still on Windows? I understand if you want to be successful in developing software you must test it on the OS that has the greatest market share. And this is the good question: Why use it for personal use? In the same show you mentioned something about not wanting to be on the command line all the time. Well, as I’m sure you know, there are probably close to a hundred different window managers and desktop environments for Linux/Unix: Gnome, KDE, XFCE, Fluxbox, Openbox, Blackbox, and now Unity. Please try it out. This is, I think, an evangelist.

STEVE: Yeah, I think so.

LEO: There are great advances – and I love Linux. I use it all the time. There are great – so don’t – there are great advances being made every hour – every hour – in Linux and BSD technology, and it’s free. I’ve been using Linux as my main OS since 2004, and I haven’t looked back. I was forced to do something on Windows 7 recently and found it very confusing and frustrating to use. I think it would be great if you started a small segment of the show discussing Linux and Unix desktop security vulnerabilities because of course I know there’s no perfect OS. Thanks for everything. I think that’s appropriate. Why don’t you just use Linux?

STEVE: I like Windows.

LEO: Oh.

STEVE: I don’t like Windows 7. I like XP. Maybe someday I’ll like Windows 7.

LEO: But Steve, it’s a toy operating system. You said it.

STEVE: It is a toy. And, I mean, it really is. No, I mean, I wanted to add this question today because we do get this in our mailbag a lot. And it is – I guess it’s a number of things. First of all, anything I want is available for Windows. Not everything I want is available for Mac. On the other hand, not everything that’s – there are some things for the Mac that are not available on Windows.

You may remember that I switched to using the Mac for some period of time when I was writing all the code for those machines that are over my left shoulder behind me. All of that was on a PDP-8 simulator that was only available for the Mac. So I dusted off a MacBook Pro and used it happily for some length of time. So, and I’ve got a BSD server where our newsgroups live, and it’s the DNS server for GRC. And every time I touch it, I feel good. It just feels right somehow. And so the idea that Mac’s got a real good Unix underneath with a very nice UI on top, to me I think that’s probably my sweet spot.

But I know Windows inside and out. I’m a Windows developer. Anything that I want, like my little wacky Wizmo, which a surprising number of people like and use for turning their monitors off and rebooting and doing little utility functions, it’s easy for me to whip these things out for Windows, much as I said I was considering doing a countdown for days left in XP’s life. So I’m a Windows developer and a Windows user. And I’ve never been, knock on wood, been bitten by any of these problems that do catch out so many people because I’m a very careful Windows user, and I do not click links in email. So it works for me.

LEO: Well, and that’s another answer which you’ve given in the past, which is how am I to talk about Windows security, how am I to be an expert in Windows security, if I don’t use Windows?

STEVE: Right.

LEO: So you kind of have to. I mean, it’s not merely because you want to sell more copies of SpinRite.


LEO: In fact, it’s not that at all because, I mean, it runs in DOS.

STEVE: SpinRite boots itself, yeah, exactly.

LEO: So it has nothing to do with that. It has to do really with the fact that, if you want to talk about security…

STEVE: Well, and Leo, if I want to affect the most people. Frankly, my DNS Benchmark is incredibly popular. I looked at the DNS page, I think 1,500 people a day look at that. And about 500 of them are downloaded every single day. Well, sorry, I mean, Linux exists, yes. But Windows is where everyone is. Windows, I mean, and the Mac, the Mac to a growing degree. And when I wrote the benchmark, I did make sure that it ran under Wine for Linux and the Mac in acknowledgement that those platforms are growing in strength. But still, I mean, by default, Windows is – it’s ubiquitous. So I want the things that I write to be able to help the most people.

LEO: That’s an interesting point because you don’t make money on those freebies.


LEO: And you know how to develop for Windows. You’re not a Mac developer or a Linux developer. And that’s just what you know how to do.

STEVE: And frankly it would be a huge learning curve. I mean, it’s not small…

LEO: No, it’s not trivial.

STEVE: …to switch platforms.

LEO: For instance, SpinRite, which uses INT 13, has to be on BIOS. You’re using a BIOS call. You would have to duplicate all that functionality on EFI. And I guess you could do it in Linux, wouldn’t be so hard. But it still doesn’t run in Linux, it runs perfectly well on a Linux box in DOS. You just put the – you create the boot disk, you stick it in, it’s running on FreeDOS, and it just runs, so that’s fine.

STEVE: Well, yeah. And you often see multiplatform things that just aren’t very good. I mean, for example, they make you install Java because they’re written in Java. And it’s like, okay, they work. But they’re just – they don’t feel like they’re – it’s like, because they want it to run anywhere, they don’t really run anywhere very well. And it’s like, eh, that’s not a tradeoff I want to make. I want to make really, really good stuff for Windows. And increasingly acknowledge that it’s not the only solution in town, and put some time into supporting other platforms, as well, as I have.

LEO: I begged him to write, I begged him to write, to rewrite SpinRite to work on the Mac. But no.

STEVE: Not quite yet.

LEO: No. But that’s fine. Because I just take the drive out, put it on a PC, and run it. It works fine.

STEVE: Yeah.

After listening to His answer I thought “Ok fair play to You Steve”.

Sharing this as an interesting factoid rather then anything else.



Back to the roots – Diablo – Final fight [Video]

Hi all.

I got bored few days ago and I have decided to fire up one of the first games that ever bought. Diablo I.

To make it playable I used the Crossover software that I got for free 2 or 3 years ago (or maybe even 4 – can’t remember) during the Christmas time.

Beginning was rough ;). It needs a little hack to start working. When I was installing the game ages ago I have downloaded modified ddraw.dll from Wine 1.1.0 described here to fix the black screen problem. I am glad I have downloaded the file then coz the download site is not available anymore… I have pasted the modified ddraw.dll file to the game bottle into the c:windowssystem32 folder and I have replaced the file that existed in the bottle. It works perfect with the version Crossover Professional 7.1.0 (thanks CodeWeavers for a great app). Can’t wait till they will start giving away their app again for free ;). Would like to have newer version of it ;).

According to license I can share this file. Read the license below if You doubt that.

Modified ddraw.dll from Wine 1.1.0
Copyright (C) 1993-2010 the Wine project authors (see the Wine source to find out who they are)

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

This archive contains a modified version of the file that is a normal part of the Wine project, renamed ddraw.dll. It works around the blank screen problem affecting Worms Armageddon and some other programs with similar menus.

This particular copy of ddraw.dll was created by extracting the wine-1.1.0 source (which you can get from, and applying ddraw-1.1.0.diff by typing “patch -p0 < ddraw-1.1.0.diff" at the root of wine's source. I then built ALL of wine (but didn't install), and copied the resulting from the dlls/ddraw directory in the source.

I also stripped the file using "strip –strip-unneeded" command, but that was only to keep the size down. You probably shouldn't bother with that if you're building it yourself.

While this file might work on versions other than 1.1.0, Wine sometimes changes and breaks older versions of ddraw.dll. To really be safe, you should use a ddraw.dll built for the version of wine you're using.

If you have problems using the patch, please try running your program without using a modified ddraw.dll. If nothing changes, it's a bug in Wine and you should file a bug with them. If it works but you can't see the menus, it's probably my fault, and you post a comment on Wine's application database (

the files in this archive were built against ubuntu hardy and as such may not work on other distributions – if i get enough requests to make a build for another distribution then i may release more varients of the binary

if you build it yourself for another distribution please send me a copy – email address below – i will need to know the version of gcc it was built with, the version of wine it was built for and the host distribution

The patch works around one of the problems that affect Worms Armageddon and other programs in wine 1.x:

WA's menu is not drawn ( This seems to be because the window WA wants to use has a child window that obscures it completely. The patch works around that by drawing to the desktop window instead of the window WA asks it to use.

to enable the hack use the file "hack.reg" to enable it with the command "regedit hack.reg"

Jasmine Iwanek
jasmine (at)

Original Version By:
Vincent Povirk (madewokherd)
madewokherd (at)

I am glad I could get this game running so easily with PCLinuxOS.

I had a great time :D! << VIDEO! Click me.


Activating sudo in PCLinuxOS (word of advice – don't!)

Hi all.

Some of You mad folks for some reason want to use the MAJOR security risk called sudo

I do not recommend it. I don’t use it. I don’t even like it.

The preferred way of gaining root privileges in PCLinuxOS is to use the su command.

For example – You want to get PCLinuxOS Control Center opened? Run this in terminal:

su -c "pcc"

and then press [ENTER] give root password and press [ENTER] again.

BUT since Linux is all about choice and all about freedom here is a way of activating sudo for a certain user in PCLinuxOS. Altho like I said. It’s a major security risk. If You (or someone else) will mess up Your machine don’t come crying to me or to the PCLinuxOS Forum. You are on Your own…

How to install sudo on PCLinuxOS 2011? You need to activate special repository. Then reload the package list. Find and install sudo package. Now You need to configure it.

Run this command in terminal.

su -c "echo 'login ALL=(ALL) ALL' >> /etc/sudoers"

(replace the word login with Your actual login!) then press [ENTER] and then give root’s password and press [ENTER] again.

That’s it. Try running sudo…

Only fools are activating sudo in PCLinuxOS... Noone reads this anyway me thinks :D

Works? Great. No? Even better… You are reading this line tagged as FAIL :P.

Regards. Hope this helps (but I seriously doubt that… unless Your goal was to wreck Your install or get it hacked…).


Edit: clarjon1 at #pclinuxos irc channel said that some apps (like truecrypt) need the sudo command. Fair enough. Entry for truecrypt will be different then what’s posted above but sudo maybe useful in some rare 😉 occasions.

WoTW server maintenance…

Hi all.

Last night my server started making nasty noises… This morning it got worse. Easter Sunday or not – I decided not to take any chances and disassembled it to clean the fans and put some new cooling grease on the CPU. It took me little over an hour but it’s all good now.

My fiance who shall remain nameless was / is not to happy about it… but it needed to be done. Sorry Baby! Thanks for Your support!

Server runs as quiet as possible (with old pentium III cpu fan and ac/dc adapter) at the moment.

I feel safer already… Wheeew… I don’t even want to think about what I would do if it just stopped working.

Long live the server!

Tee hee…


"I hate mac adds" by Robert Winchester

“I hate mac adds” by Robert Winchester << Click me!

Made me chuckle ;)!

File seems clean BTW… just in case You are paranoid like me ;).

URL Analysis tool Result
Avira Clean site
BitDefender Unrated site
Dr.Web Clean site
Firefox Clean site
G-Data Clean site
Google Safebrowsing Clean site
Malc0de Database Clean site
MalwareDomainList Clean site
Opera Clean site
ParetoLogic Clean site
Phishtank Clean site
TrendMicro Unrated site
Websense ThreatSeeker Unrated site
Wepawet Unrated site
Additional information
Normalized URL:
URL MD5: 0c1782b0d26acd5b8980b4529786e7fa
